
I had once the visit at my studio of an Indonesian woman, originally from Flores, who was the wife of a Balinese man. She had a Christian background, and was having difficulties adjusting to Balinese Hinduism and culture. When she entered my yoga studio, she...

Many of you probably know that when I was in my mid-thirties, I was found to have a cyst on my ovary, and this prompted me to embark on my own healing journey. On that journey, I discovered many things about myself; including my own...

We all know the purpose of yoga is aligning "mind, body, and spirit” but how do we attain and maintain this balance? Ancient yogic texts tell us that secret for balancing the different bodies is conscious breathing and that breath is the link between our material...

Dear all, I am currently in the middle of leading a Teacher Training “Yoga Pranala Intensive 2012” and I feel so honored to witness the transformative process of the teacher trainees unfolding, each one at their own pace, according the to divine timing for the good...

Dear all, It’s a very delighted Linda that his writing to you. On the 26 of this month (February) I am going back to India for one whole month. I am planning go to Varanasi and also spend two weeks at Krishnamacharya Yoga Mandiram in Chennai. What!...

Broken heart I can help, heart broken go to the hospital. ~Tjokorda Gede Rai Many years ago, when I got diagnosed with a cyst on my ovary, the doctor recommended that have surgery. I was fortunate to have consulted an open-minded doctor because when I told him...

When I review the last 25 years of my life, I mostly remember blissful years. I must admit that until now I have had an amazing life. I have done everything I always wanted to do. Nevertheless, they were episodes, now and then, that were...

Have you received last month a newsletter from Dr Masaru Emoto inviting you to send healing energy to the Fukushima plant, on the 31st of March, at 12:00? Chances are you have as the message was forwarded via Internet throughout the world and touched millions...

During my last holiday, while I was traveling in India, I had the great pleasure of reading a fabulous novel called Shantaram, written by Gregory David Roberts.  The opening paragraph of that book had a powerful effect on me. "It took me a long time and...

Dear all, Embracing a yogic lifestyle and a meditation practice doesn't mean that your will be happy ever after… Sadly there are some modern yogis and seekers who cling to their practice to provide them with a false sense of security, a guarantee that they will...

I am consciousness “I am not my body, my sexuality, my money, my profession, my material possessions, my social status, my emotions, my relationships, my thoughts, my intellect, my mind, etc.” I am consciousness. I am a unity of spirit; I am a unity of light.” I...

Hello Everyone, I am currently in India and will be back on Bali on the 27 of January. Eka and Sky are covering for me. Just before leaving for India, I have tried to integrate a blog on my website and in the process I have...